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Macaw Parrot Training 6 Perfect Tips & Tricks: How to Train Your Feathered Friend

Macaw parrots are among the most popular pet birds due to their vibrant colours and outgoing personalities. However, they require much attention and care to ensure their physical and mental well-being. Many types of macaw parrots are available in the market, and the prices of macaw parrots differ in different parts of India. Macaw parrot training is essential to their care, and it is crucial to start training your feathered friend as early as possible. This article will explore the best tips and techniques for successful macaw parrot training.

Understanding Macaw Parrot Behaviour

Macaw parrots are brilliant birds who need mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. They are also social birds and require much attention and interaction from their owners. Understanding their behavior is essential to successful macaw parrot training. Here are some critical facts about macaw parrot behavior:

  • Macaws are flock animals and need social interaction to thrive. They can become bored and destructive without enough stimulation.
  • Macaws are vocal birds and communicate with a variety of sounds and calls.
  • Macaws are curious and enjoy exploring their environment. They need plenty of toys and playtime to keep them occupied.
  • Macaws are strong-willed birds and can be stubborn at times. They need a patient and consistent approach to training.

As said earlier, macaw parrot require a special care and if you do not know how to care them, read our detailed guide on macaw parrot care.

Setting up a Training Routine

Macaw parrot training requires patience and consistency. It is essential to set up a training routine and stick to it. Here are some important tips for setting up a successful macaw parrot training routine:

  • Start training your macaw parrot early. The younger the bird, the easier it is to train.
  • Set aside a specific time each day for training sessions. A consistent schedule will help your bird learn more quickly.
  • Choose a quiet and distraction-free location for training. Your macaw parrot should be able to focus on the training without distractions.
  • Keep training sessions short and sweet. Birds have short attention spans, so aim for 10-15 minute sessions daily.
  • Use positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise to encourage good behaviour.

Basic Commands for Macaw Parrots

Teaching your macaw parrot basic commands is essential for their safety and your peace of mind. Here are some basic commands you can teach your macaw parrot:

  1. Step Up: This command teaches your bird to step onto your hand or perch. Hold your hand or perch before your bird and say, “step up.” When your bird steps up, reward them with a treat and praise.
  2. Stay: This command teaches your bird to stay in one place. Hold your hand out before your bird and say, “stay.” Slowly back away from your bird, and if they stay in place, reward them with a treat and praise.
  3. Come: This command teaches your bird to come to you on command. Hold your hand out before your bird and say, “come.” When your bird comes to you, reward them with a treat and praise.

Advanced Training Techniques

Once your macaw parrot has mastered the basic commands, you can move on to more advanced training techniques. Here are some advanced training techniques you can try:

  1. Target Training: This technique teaches your bird to touch a target with its beak or foot. Hold a target (like a stick or pen) before your bird and say, “touch.” When your bird touches the target with their beak or foot, reward them with a treat and praise.
  2. Recall Training: This technique teaches your bird to approach you from a distance. Start by standing a short distance from your bird and calling its name. Now, Gradually increase the distance between you and your bird. When your bird comes to you, reward them with a treat and praise.
  3. Trick Training: Macaws are intelligent birds and can learn various tricks. Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage your bird to learn new tricks. Some popular tricks include waving, turning around, and playing dead.

During the training you also have to focus on the diet requirements. Check what to feed Macaw parrot.

Troubleshooting Common Training Problems

Training a macaw parrot can be challenging, and you may encounter some common training problems along the way. Here are some tips for troubleshooting common training problems:

  1. Biting: Macaws can be nippy birds and may bite when feeling stressed or threatened. Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage good behaviour, and avoid punishing your bird for biting.
  2. Screaming: Macaws are vocal birds and can be noisy at times. If your bird is screaming excessively, try to determine the cause of the behavior (like boredom or lack of attention) and address it.
  3. Refusal to Train: If your bird refuses to train, it may be because they feel stressed or overwhelmed. Be patient and consistent with your training approach. Take a break from training and try again later.

FAQs about Macaw Parrot Training

How long does it take to train a macaw parrot?

Training a macaw parrot can take a few weeks to several months, depending on the bird's personality and the training techniques. It is essential to be patient and consistent with your training approach.

Can you train an older macaw parrot?

You can train an older macaw parrot, but it may take longer than training a younger bird. It is essential to be patient and consistent with your training approach.

What should you do if your macaw parrot is not responding to training?

If your macaw parrot is not responding to training, take a break and try again later. Switching up your training techniques or seeking advice from an experienced bird trainer may be helpful.


Training a macaw parrot can be a rewarding experience for both you and your feathered friend. With calmness and consistency, you can teach your bird a variety of commands and tricks. Remember to use positive reinforcement techniques and to be patient with your bird’s progress. With proper training, your macaw parrot can thrive in captivity and bring you joy for many years.

By Ishani Agarwal

Ishani Agrawal is an aspiring author currently pursuing her Diploma in Computer Engineering. She has always had a passion for writing and enjoys spending her free time crafting stories and poems.

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